Colorblindness Will Not End Racism

Race is a social construct, and when people claim that “colorblindness will end racism, or that talking about race increases racism” are actually causing more of a problem and is actually racist. This is because it is in the perspective that the concept of RACE is the problem. This is not the case. One’s racial identity or ethnicity does not cause racism, RACISM causes RACISM. Racism or race doesn’t magically go away if you ignore it. The issues in the world need to be dealt with and tackled. Being ignorant will only lead to much worse, not bliss! Color Blindness has no effect on the system of structural racism and does not solve problems in the nation or world. In order to end racism, it takes work, effort, laws, and new systems and concepts. While it being nice in thought colorblindness really just causes ignorance and will not change anything!